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School Board

School Board

Our School Board works to ensure our school remains true to our mission, our purpose and our core values, through policy development.

The role of our School Board is to provide broad, comprehensive governance of the school. They do this by setting long-term, strategic directions for the school, reviewing key policies for school usage, approving the school budget and providing invaluable support to the principal in administration, policy issues and management of educational change.

The School Board is a key expression of the importance of partnerships, and in particular parent participation, within the school community.

Holy Spirit Catholic School Board

The Holy Spirit Catholic School Board operates under the auspices of the Bishops of Queensland Constitutional Provisions for School Boards. Our Board comprises nine members made up of four parent representatives, two parish representatives, one parents and friends' representative, one staff representative and one administrative representative. The School Board is primarily concerned with the implementation of the school mission statement and policy making. The School Board leadership structure includes chairperson, secretary and principal as executive officer. Details of the Board membership and policies are available through the school.